In recent years, the crypto currency has come a long way. Now not only enthusiastic mathematicians and programmers talk about it, as it was at the turn of its appearance, but also ordinary people who see that buying a digital currency is a great way to not only save your savings, but also greatly multiply them. There are a lot of ways to buy crypto currency, and new ones appear every day, however most of them are doubtful. We offer proven methods of buying crypto-currencies, which are not only reliable, but also safe. A good way where you can bitcoin buy is the cryptovaliquite exchange. The number of exchanges is growing every day, and they all have their own characteristics. For example, foreign exchanges accept only cards or paypal, and before committing transactions they will be asked to undergo verification of the account. Not everyone wants to do this, especially since this approach violates the basic principle of all crypto-currencies, and this is the anonymity of the operations that are being performed. 41351